How to build a big list with good traffic sources

How to build a big list with good traffic sources


To build a big list you need to drive traffic. The more traffic you drive the bigger your list is. Super affiliates have big lists with hyper responsive buyers. It’s important here that you don’t buy trash traffic. I stick to Tier 1 & Tier 2 Traffic sources. Tier 1 traffic is more expensive and Tier 2 Traffic is cheaper but still reasonably good quality.

Tier 1 Traffic Sources:

Google Ads (Search NOT Display): My favourite source of traffic. I haven’t seen a better source of traffic than Google Ads. Google Search Ads show the ads the very moment when someone searches on Google for certain keywords.

Facebook Ads: This is also a firm favourite with many affiliate marketers aswell, because you’re able to reach different audiences targeted according to various metrics such as location, age, interests, and more set by you. Facebook has a traffic base of 1.4 billion with 900 million users visiting the platform per day.

Microsoft Ads (Bing): This one works well for older audiences. Almost identical in nature than Google Ads. Less traffic but the traffic can be higher quality and usually cheaper.

Tier 2 traffic Sources: : AdMarketplace takes the game beyond the search engines and helps marketers reach a vast number of untapped traffic by showing ads based on users’ searches on a vast number of verticals outside Search engines to find products and information. : Reddit Ads is a self-serve platform where advertisers get the chance to display their ads in front of 234 million Reddit users who are highly passionate and actively engaged. The viewers can be targeted based on their demographic, the communities they are involved with, and their interests. It’s a bit like Facebook Ads. : Launch pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns in native environments. If you don’t know what Native Advertising is, put simply, Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, feel and function of the media format in which they appear. Native ads are often found in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page. It’s a secret Arsenal of Super Affiliates!

Only Promote Solid Sellers

This should be obvious, but I couldn’t tell you how many affiliates don’t care about this and just follow the money (or lack of it!). And in my experience, the affiliates who ignore this are usually dead broke.

As your business grows and you build your reputation as a solid affiliate, you’ll start to be approached by product owners to promote their products. It’s a complete shift in dynamics. When I first started out, I was almost begging people to accept me as an affiliate, these days they’re banging my door down!

Most of the time, you’ll probably recognise the ‘names’, but there will be occasions where somebody you’ve never heard of before will want you to promote their products. Here’s what to look for:

Great Support. I’m not just looking for good support, I’m looking for GREAT support. What I like to do, is pretend I’m a customer with a problem and I like to send an email and see how responsive their support is. If it takes more than 48hrs for a reply (weekends excluded) then forget it. Your customers aren’t going to be happy waiting for days on end for a reply and it can hurt your reputation.

➔Are they in it for the long haul or ‘Here today, gone tomorrow”? What’s their product range like? Are they a fly-by-night chancer? Are they serious about their business?

Affiliate Tools. Are they invested in their affiliates? A sign of a good vendor, is they provide tools for their affiliates. What I mean by tools is: Banner Ads, Text Ads, Images, Emails.

Good EPC (earnings per click) Decent vendors will tell you what this number is. But the only way to know for sure is to test it for yourself.

Tip: A SEARCH PPC campaign (Google or Microsoft NOT Facebook)) is a fast and easy way to test a new product’s conversion rate.

At least 50% commissions. If you’re selling physical products or services (Amazon for example), you can’t expect commission rates much over 10% or so. But if you’re selling digital products, then look for commission rates of at least 50%. (I try to go for 75%).

Sales Funnel / Backend commissions. Make sure they have upsells and downsells in place that you get credit for. Trust me, this is where your money as an affiliate is made.

No sales leaks. Finally, make sure the sales page and the vendor’s sales process doesn’t have any sales leaks. If there’s one thing that high
earning affiliates understand it’s this. I highly recommend you check the video in the members area as I go into this in detail with real actual examples!

Pro Tip: I also don’t like sending traffic to affiliate pages with Youtube videos embedded in them. These are HUGE sales leaks. Here’s why:

When you send a visitor to a landing page with a Youtube video on it, a lot of people will “click-Thru” the video and end up on

What then happens is, that person is quickly distracted by other Youtube videos and you’ve lost a potential sale.

I tend to ask the product owner (Vendor) for an alternative page WITHOUT a Youtube Video on it OR I create a page myself. Here’s some networks I’ve worked with and recommend, with decent commissions: (look for offers with a “gravity” between 20-60, these are offers that are selling but are not overly saturated by every other affiliate under the sun). (the highest paying men’s supplement affiliate program I’ve found, really good guys too and they care about their affiliates) (Health and fitness offers) (a network of ‘hot’ new offers) (Health and Fitness offers)

(Gaming offers)

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