Why work with a CMS

Why work with a CMS


Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems available today. It is a trusted and open source CMS with thousands of websites, including government, for NGOs, international companies and more.

Take a look at Virgin, White House, the University of Canberra, the Prince of Wales and Tesla Motors sites to get an idea of ​​what Drupal is really capable of.

Of course there are several CMSs and this was just one example. If you want to find out more about the site development offers, we recommend you to access DroidWebDesign.com.

The difference between HTML and CMS

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the two programming languages ​​needed to create any website.

Even if you have decided to use a CMS for your site, it will still require a design or theme made with HTML, CSS and PHP. But, there is a big difference between HTML sites and CMS websites.

HTML sites are only ideal for a small static website because they only have one or two pages or we are talking about a site that you hope to create and then forget about it, because updating HTML-based sites cannot be done without technical knowledge.

A CMS, however, is best for creating large websites and multi-page applications. In fact, Drupal is the most flexible CMS for e-commerce sites.

Over 40% of all websites on the Internet use some kind of content management system, according to the W3Techs CMS usage report.

Here are some reasons to consider using Drupal for your business website, instead of the old HTML website.

Easy to install and configure

One of the main reasons why many companies use CMS websites is that it is extremely accessible and easy to set up a website using a content management system.

Most web hosting providers now offer One-Click-install features for installing a CMS, including Drupal. And after installation, you can easily purchase a suitable Drupal theme pre-made at an affordable price and configure your site with just a few simple clicks.

Even though this can save you a lot of money, it comes at a high cost. Pre-created themes available on the web are used by thousands of other websites.

They are also limited in customization options. Using one of these themes for your website will make your business seem unprofessional, and eventually your customers will lose confidence in your brand.

Manage without technical knowledge

If you choose an HTML website for your business only, you will not be able to maintain or update the site without learning HTML and CSS programming languages. You’ll probably need to hire a web designer to make even the simplest updates, such as adding a new photo or changing a link to your site.

Thanks to the easy-to-use and extremely versatile interface on Drupal CMS, you can easily do everything that works and more, all by itself, without having to learn any programming language.

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