How You Can Make Wordpress To Do What You Want

How You Can Make WordPress To Do What You Want


WordPress is an extremely popular blogging tool these days. It’s leaving it’s mark on Internet marketing like nothing else before. It can seem daunting to understand WordPress; however, this can be overcome by gaining the right insight. Keep reading to learn some excellent advice about making WordPress do what you want.

If you are doing a WordPress blog for professional or search engine optimization purporses, don’t let WordPress actually host your blog. Put your blog on a different host and then just use the WordPress application there. Blogs at WordPress’ website are sometimes deleted for being too commercial or deemed spammy in content.

Make a schedule when you wish to start posting. You will increase your motivation if you know exactly how long it’s been since your last post. You might want to create posts up to a week ahead of time, then set the posts to upload on a schedule.

Use images properly on your WordPress site. They can add everything from beauty to interest to your pages. Use their alternative text tags and title tags properly. Don’t settle for generic descriptions. You need to make them specific so that your visitors know exactly what they are. This also helps them figure out what your site is about.

Never forget to properly setup your WordPress page’s timezone. Under the General Settings page, take a moment and make sure that your timezone properly represents where you reside. This can be very important as the times and dates are published along with your posts. Not having the proper date stamp can leave you in a time warp.

How You Can Make WordPress To Do What You Want

Include your SEO-based keywords in the titles of your posts. In fact, make them the first few words of the title. For example, if your key phrases is “best pizza in Toronto”, you could create a title such as “For the Best Pizza in Toronto, Only Spring Water Will Do!”

To link your blog posts on your blog or website, make use of a plugin that will allow you to do just that. These types of plugins add several links at the end of every post, depending on how relevant the tags of your posts are in your website.

Don’t use the drop-down header menu. You should use keyboard shortcuts instead. Push down “control” and then choose a number ranging from 1 up to 6. If you use headers a lot, this can save you a ton of time.

Want to create a new link in your post? There is no need to click the link icon any longer. Use ctrl-shift-A instead to start the link creation process using the keyboard and not the mouse. When you create many links within your content, this can shave time off the creation process.

Sticky the posts the you want to stay at the top of your page. If there are posts you want your visitors to see first, sticky them by going to the ‘visibility’ option on the ‘edit posts’ screen. Choose to sticky the selected messages to the first page, and that is it.

How You Can Make WordPress To Do What You Want

If you want to put two images side by side, try using an invisible table in your WordPress post. You can create a one row/two column table via your post editor and then embed a photo into each cell. You could take the next step and add another row underneath to add captions below each photo.

Have you had enough of the clutter involved in WordPress? Turn off some of the boxes that you see on the page. Click Screen Options. In there, you’ll see a full menu of boxes that you can turn on and off.

The only way to learn WordPress is by practicing it. You can sign up for a free account in and start experimenting with its multitude of features. Change images, background color, font sizes, etc. The more you get your hands on it, the more comfortable you will feel about using it.

You can make sticky posts in WordPress. These are the posts you may want to show above other posts no matter the date. There are a couple ways to do this. You can go to “Edit Post,” and “Visibility.” Click “Edit” and “Stick this post to the front page.” The other way to do this is by going to “Posts,” “All Posts,” and “Quick Edit.”

Just because some plugins require payment, it does not mean that they are not worth getting. Think about the time involved compared to the price. If you feel that you are getting a lot for the price, it may be worth it.

If you want to use WordPress, be sure to buy your own domain. is easy and free, but you don’t get the ability to make the same customizations and additions you would if you had a site on your own server and with your own domain, cramping your potential for success.

Avoid WordPress hackers by having a secure web host. There are a multitude of web hosting services available; however, if you go with simply cheap, you can put yourself at risk. Look at Internet reviews about the host you are considering. Make sure they have a strong, stable and secure presence on the Internet.

The export function comes in quite handy when you want to back up everything you created on WordPress. This will safeguard you in the event that you are hacked.

Do not use ‘admin’ for a username. This is the default choice and a lot of people use it out of laziness or ignorance. It also used to be the only choice. However, using admin as your login makes your account easier to hack in to. Pick a unique username that cannot be guessed by visiting your site.

To ensure the security of your WordPress site, be sure to use a long, complicated administrator password. It should include both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols as well. Make it something memorable but tough to guess, or write it down so that it can be extremely complicated instead.

Clearly, it is simply a matter of learning WordPress, just as you must do with any helpful tool. WordPress is a powerful medium to use to communicate with the world. Maximize your blogging by learning all you can about WordPress.

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